Sunday, February 22, 2009

Moon Diary Trailer

The Moon Diary trailer is FINALLY up. As you may remember, YouTube found out my video had a copyrighted song and disabled the audio. The song was originally Sleep, by Azure Ray. For those that are interested, I implore you to look up the original and then listen to the song that I created for the trailer. Mine isn't quite as savory, but I feel I did a good job of making a song that fills the same aural niche without actually copying.

Let's get this hype machine rolling! Show your friends the trailer, or whatever it is that you do that makes me famous! Please?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents Day

It's presidents day! No Work today! Everyone say "Screw you, Gravity!" and fly into space! No one can stop you from doing it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What a cutie!

In other news, I got another eyelash stuck in my upper punctum (although it was the other eye, wtf,) I just invested several hundred dollars in gold in case the economy collapses, and my supply of 36 cans of mountain dew is just about run out, so I'll need to go get more. These scenes with people take forever, since they have to be drawn and organized before they can be animated and plus there's so many of them. But I'm putting in some good long hours when I'm working, at least.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Money Pump

We could really use one of these for the office.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Moon Diary Trailer Hits the Fan

We made a new trailer for Moon Diary and it's really great, but we took a short cut and just used an Azure Ray song for the music. YouTube then deleted the audio, and, as you may know, audio is like 80% of what makes a trailer good. I need to read up on the law, I think that if we play a cover of the song then it's alright. If it's not then we'll probably make a song from scratch, but for now the trailer is delayed due to copyright infringement. Jeeze!

However, there is a new section to the site, the "Soon" page which shows the next upcoming project, in this case Moon Diary. It will be the future home of the trailer, as well as screen shots and a general progress report of how Moon Diary is going. There's a few new screenshots from finished parts of the animation.

You can visit the Soon page at