Saturday, October 25, 2008

Moon Diary day 5

Here's a preview frame from the upcoming animation Moon Diary. We just finished this scene, and I really liked the way this bush turned out. The leaves move in response to the rabbit hopping between them. I wish I wouldn't keep topping myself and forcing myself to make the whole animation more complicated, but look at that bush! How could I not?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Night

It's party time this Friday night. I finally figured out how to use PHP! You have to end the file with a ".php" extension rather than a ".html" extension. I had been doing everything else right all along. I knew it would be something simple yet totally obscure. In addition to that, I just got a new website, three new email accounts, and as of right now, a new blogger account .  Things sure are changing for the better! What more could I possibly want?

